How many leads should I expect if I sign up?
Do multiple suppliers receive the same lead?
What are the criteria for becoming a supplier?
What is the sign-up process?
What is the cost of participating in Aboutmatch?
Is there any catch?
Will my business appear on your public website?
Apart from waiting for leads to come through the website, can AboutMatch help in other ways to generate leads?
Based on our experience, you could receive anywhere between 1 and 80 leads a year. The volumes are driven by market demand for your offering, and how selective you are in the sort of new business you are willing to consider.
A single lead is sent to between 1 and 5 suppliers, depending on the buyer’s criteria.
Suppliers must be able to produce at least 2 client references and have a website attesting to their offering. Suppliers must have some physical presence in the UK, whether that is a main operation or simply a representative on the ground for an overseas operation.
Please email sales@aboutmatch.co.uk with a link to your website URL and which supplier category/categories you are interested in. Our representative will then be in touch.
There is no cost to join or participate. Suppliers pay AboutMatch a success fee when they are successful converting a lead we provide.
There are no catches. Our business model is based on a win-win for all parties.
Supplier profiles are not viewable by the public. However from time to time we contact suppliers to appear in testimonials or media releases which appear on our website, with express written consent.
Yes, we offer two proactive lead generation programs: content marketing (articles and white papers) and custom events.