is a free, easy-to-use tool to find suppliers for your business that have been pre-screened and highly rated by clients. Just follow
these 3 steps:
1. Select a product or service category
Choose from 7
product/service categories, or select OTHER if your needs are something

2. Enter your needs
Once you’ve selected a
category, a multiple choice questionnaire will appear, which takes around 60
seconds to complete. Just answer several quick questions, enter your contact details,
then click Finish.

3. Sit back, relax – matched suppliers will be in touch
Your request is instantly
matched against a database of pre-screened suppliers, using our powerful
matching engine. The results are reviewed by a human being for quality
assurance. We then provide your details to between 1 and 5 suppliers which are
a perfect match for your needs. These suppliers will contact you within 1
business day - and often same day!
We’re independent and proud of it!
The integrity of our service
is based on our independence with the supplier community – we are
vendor-agnostic, and treat all our suppliers equally. There are no “favourites”
or “cushy” relationships – our matching software is data-driven and we
represent your best interests as buyers. For this reason, you will see no paid
advertising on our website.
And did we mention it’s free?
AboutMatch is a free service
which you can use at any time, with no need to set up an account. Our revenues
are derived from the suppliers we provide new business leads to. Suppliers
reduce their marketing costs by using AboutMatch’s performance based model, and operates purely on a success basis.
If you have any questions
about how we work, contact us or visit our Buyer FAQ and Supplier FAQ pages.