Once our matching software finds the most suitable suppliers for a buyer's need, an email alert is generated to matched suppliers. This is the format of our email alerts you could expect to receive in your inbox!
From: admin@aboutmatch.co.uk
Sent: Monday, 15 February 2016 3:13 PM
To: goldie.locks@xxxxxxxxx.co.uk
Subject: AboutMatch lead alert
Importance: High
Dear Goldie
Below is a new business lead for your immediate actioning.
Company Name: Big Company Ltd
First Name: Joe
Last Name: Bloe
Title: Director
Email address: joe@joebloe.co.uk
Phone: 0781 696 xxxx
Country: UK
Category: Outsourcing
Type of outsourcing: contact centre
Services: customer service
FTE: 21-50
Go-live: Within 3 months
Duration: multi-year contract
Location preference(s): UK, South Africa
Hours of operation: Business hours only
Industry experience: telecommunications
Additional requirements: We are a fast-growing telecommunications firm seeking
to lower our cost and increase our subscriber base through outsourcing.
Please confirm receipt of this email, and contact the lead today, mentioning
the request came through AboutMatch. Let me know if you have any questions.
Good luck!