Supplier Zone
What We Do

AboutMatch what we doAboutMatch simplifies the way companies find new suppliers, and suppliers find new clients.  Under the mantra, "Smart sourcing for the customer journey", we match the market for hundreds of products and services which help you acquire or service customers.  No matter how you interact with your customers - through call centres, the web, apps, social media or in person - 
AboutMatch finds you the best solutions for your needs, using our powerful matching technology.

Solution for a business problem

Nearly every company is interested in acquiring or servicing customers in the most efficient way, yet where do you turn when there are thousands of suppliers to help?  Companies of all sizes struggle to keep track of who's who in the market, with most resorting to surfing the Net or "asking around".  Unfortunately this is often a time-consuming, frustrating process, which can be pretty hit-or-miss.  Now there is a faster, simpler way to source key suppliers for your business, and it won't cost you anything - AboutMatch .

Using our 
smart online tool, you can enter your needs and connect with the best companies to meet them. Unlike a search engine, which just queries key words, and often generates irrelevant, unreliable results, the AboutMatch engine interprets needs, through targeted, concise questionnaires.  These needs are queried against a database of suppliers’ capability, capacity, experience, locations and target market, generating an accurate shortlist of quality suppliers ready to assist.

Whether you're sourcing new technology, data, or services like outsourcing, digital, recruiting, training or consulting 
AboutMatch connects you with the best-fit suppliers for your sales, service and back office needs. We quality check every request before connecting buyers with suppliers for information, quotations and proposals.  It’s a win-win for both sides: suppliers receive highly qualified sales leads for immediate actioning; buyers need not waste time researching the market and finding reputable suppliers, sometimes at short notice.

Whether as part of a strategic procurement process, or for quick turn-around tactical support,
AboutMatch meets the sourcing needs of small, medium and large businesses. 

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